Avis pour "Serum de croissance| Cuir chevelu gras 50ml/100ml"

Serum de croissance| Cuir chevelu gras 50ml/100ml

Une synergie des 16 plantes les plus puissantes pour la croissance des cheveux, reconnues scientifiquement pour leurs propriétés stimulantes, vasodilatatrices, reminéralisantes et anti-androgéniques naturelles. Huiles végétales + Huiles essentielles + Extraits ayurvédiques. 100% pur et naturel, ultra concentré. Stimule la pousse et freine la chute, pour des cheveux plus longs, plus denses et plus forts.


0 1 2 3 4

holy grail

Qualité:0 1 2 3 4

I was already sold when i saw the ingredient list, you can tell work and some actual research have been put into the making of this product. its not just a mix of two or 3 random oils like most hair growth oils on the market. And i was right cuz im super satisfied with the results, i been using it twice a week since last february and i have baby hair everywhere, my hair is stronger, fuller and over all healthier and shinier.
P.S : the texture is not greasy, its easy to wash off with shampoo and it smells heavenlyyyy so that's a huge + since most anti-chute oils i used in the past stinkkkk and gave me migraines lol.

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